Monday, April 30, 2007


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Saturday, April 7, 2007

MT gets hit with stomach flu...

Well, this has been a very bad 2 weeks for us. We were getting ready to go to NC to play over the easter weekend, and while getting packed Wilson starts throwing up. Rob had just been playing with him, so we thought it was just from being tossed around, but then the vomit continued to come. We had a good day of projectile vomit all over myself and thought maybe the next day he would be better and we could make it to Charlotte in time at least for 1 show. He seemed to do better over night, and we thought we were clear the next day. Again, we packed up and before we were out the door he was throwing up again. Poor thing. He ended up being sick for quite a few days with this thing. Easter Sunday, I then proceed to get the bug. Eight hours of throwing up every hour! It was horrible. We were supposed to leave for Canada on Monday, and now both Wilson and I were down with the stomach bug. Monday morning came and we decided to brave the drive (tipically a 16 hour drive). We hit traffic in a couple spots on the way and it ended up taking 18 hours. Straight through! We arrived at 6am and about a hour before we got there, Rob started feeling bad. We got to my parents house in Canada and brought the stomach bug too! We were only going to be there for a few days and the whole time Rob was down. He was going to be driving back to Alabama with my brother in law and 2 kids while my sister, Wilson and I were flying back down. My sister's family was coming for vacation in the south with us for 10 days. We had Rob's mom come in before we got back to de-bug the place, and of course she then got sick. This thing is a monster! Anyway, we were hoping that the bug was dead, but this morning Danielle, our niece started throwing up. How can this thing be stopped. Kris and Stu both have low immune systems from the liver transplant, so we are hoping they don't get sick. They really needed a nice vacation. Let's hope the bug stops here. Hope no one else gets it! ~Jen

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